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Yeşil Tedarik Zinciri Entegrasyonu, Sürdürülebilirlik, Çevreci Uygulamalar, Literatür Taraması


In the recent times, interests for supply chains and, for environmental applications as a dimension of sustainability increase incrementally. Businesses start to achieve competitive advantage because supply chain partners integrates by regarding the environmental applications. When supply chains are observed academically through the environmentalist perspective, green supply chain integration is realized that it has an important position in the literature. The aim of this study is to scrutinize the literature about green supply chain integration and in the light of this to offer for businesses and academicians. For this aim, the study searches in two databases which are important for social sciences, based on natural resources-based view theory. The research for this study determines the directions for the area by scrutinizing the literature in a systematic way. Studies which are scrutinized with this method shows that integration for green supply chains, green innovations, information sharing, big data analytic capabilities, environmental, economic and social performances are amongst the most important variables. In addition, findings demonstrate that studies have started increasing after 2020 and usually focused on physical production. In the light of these findings, it can be offered that businesses have to take care of the aforementioned variables, researchers have to study more on that subject and focus the businesses which provide services.


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How to Cite

SAĞKAN, F., & UNCU, A. (2025). GREEN APPROACHES IN SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION. Turkish Management Review, 3(2), 48–66.



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